Welcome to the faith!
It was a very special day at St. James Elementary in Eau Claire, as four students were baptized during a student Mass. (A fifth child, the younger sister of two of our students, was also baptized.) It is such a blessing to welcome them into the Catholic faith! STUDENTS BAPTIZED: Joy H. (kindergarten), Candy H. (grade 2), Morgan M. (grade 2) and Emilia J. (grade 4).
All you can eat fish fry — Eau Claire Dec. 2 | St. Olaf
The St. Olaf Men’s Club will be having their famous “All you can eat fish fry” from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the Father Agnew Parish Center. The menu will feature two kinds of battered fish, baked fish, french fries or baked potato, vegetables, salad bar, coffee and milk. Cost for the meal: adults, $10; seniors, $9; children 5-12, $4; and ages 4 and under are free. Carry-outs will be available for $9.
St. Teresa of Calcutta Retreat – Altoona
Dec. 2-3 | St. Mary’s Community Center and Church
Resist the business and consumerism of the season! Set one day aside this Advent to be inspired by the spirituality of Mother St. Teresa of Calcutta.
Father Derek Sakowski will lead retreatants through a series of reflections that follow St. Teresa of Calcutta’s “simple path” to peace:
- Five reflections from Father Sakowski on St. Teresa of Calcutta’s spirituality
- Guided prayer meditations and silent eucharistic adoration
- First Saturday devotions (8:15 a.m.) and Mass (9 a.m.)
- Opportunity for confession with area priests
- Snacks and lunch
Cost: Freewill offering
Registration: RSVP strongly preferred, but walk-ins are welcome. Call 715.855.1294, ext 100 or email to stmarypar@gmail.com.
St. Mary’s Parish Craft Show – Coon Valley
December 3, 2016 | Coon Valley Village Hall – 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m
- A seasonal tradition for 15 years
- Crafts and baked goods of all kinds
- Lunch counter opens at 8:00 a.m.
For more information please contact: Nancy Peters 608.790.6034 e-mail: Peters@mwt.net Tables available for $25.00, tables provided
Love-Light Christmas Tree ceremony – Eau Claire
December 4, 2016 | HSHS Sacred Heart Hospital, 4:45pm – 6:30pm
HSHS Sacred Heart Hospital to hold Love-Light Christmas Tree ceremony. For the 31st year, the Volunteer Partners of HSHS Sacred Heart Hospital will sponsor the Love-Light Christmas Tree outdoor lighting ceremony at the hospital. This is a unique way for individuals to memorialize a loved one or to honor a relative or friend by making a donation to reserve a light in a loved one’s name. The lighting ceremony will take place at 5:30 p.m. in the Sacred Heart Hospital Chapel (900 West Clairemont Ave., Eau Claire), with the outdoor tree lighting to follow. Refreshments will be served in the lobby starting at 4:45 p.m. All proceeds from this event will support the ministry of The Healing Place, a free grief support center for area residents. The donation form is also available on the hospital’s website at: http://www.sacredhearteauclaire.org/love-lights. For more information, call 715.717.4255.
Relevant Radio Christ Brings Hope Award: Cardinal Raymond Burke – La Crosse
Thursday, Dec. 9 The Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Relevant Radio is honoring Cardinal Raymond Burke with the Relevant Radio Christ Brings Hope Award for all his work for the Church, in the Diocese of La Crosse and in the development of the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The evening will begin with Mass at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, followed by an award dinner in La Crosse. Relevant Radio presents the award to an American Catholic who exemplifies the virtues of charity, generosity, hope, and apostolic zeal and love for the Truth. The Christ Brings Hope Award is an award presented by Relevant Radio to an American Catholic who has worked with extraordinary dedication to bring the good news and hope of Christ to all souls.
Cookie walks around the diocese:
Annual cookie walk — Marshfield
Sat., Dec. 3, 8 a.m. to noon Our Lady of Peace Church, 1414 W. Fifth St., Marshfield
Our Lady of Peace Parish Council of Catholic Women would like to invite you to our annual cookie walk to be held at 1414 W. Fifth St., Marshfield WI, 54449. Please use the parking lot and entrance off of Schmidt Avenue. We are raising money this year to purchase an animal from Heifer International for an impoverished family. You may contact Mary Jo with any questions at 715.384.2552.
Mary, Mother of the Church Parish cookie walk/craft sale — La Crosse
Sat., Dec. 10, 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Moose Lodge, 1932 Ward Ave, La Crosse
Mary, Mother of the Church Parish will be holding its cookie walk/craft sale. Homemade cookies will be sold by the pound, plus homemade breads, pies and candies; many miscellaneous homemade craft items will be available for sale, too.
Cookie walk — Auburndale
Sat., Dec. 10, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, 5866 Main St., Auburndale
St. Mary’s Religious Education Program is sponsoring a cookie walk in the dining hall of St. Mary’s Parish, 5866 Main St., Auburndale. Homemade cookies and candies will be sold by weight at $5.50 per pound.
23rd annual cookie walk — Eau Claire
Sat., Dec. 10, 10 a.m. to noon, and Sun. Dec. 11, 9:30 a.m. to noon St. Olaf Church, 3220 Monroe St., Eau Claire
St. Olaf PCCW in Eau Claire is holding its 23rd annual cookie walk. Besides all your favorite Christmas cookies and goodies, there will be raffle items and a silent auction item from the Green Bay Packers.

(from Left) Deacons Don Tully, Mike Maher, Greg Power, Rick Letto, Mike Horgan and Mark Grunwald were ordained on October 29 by Bishop William Patrick Callahan at St. Joseph the Workman Cathedral in La Crosse.
Go to diolc.org/calendar to see what’s happening in the Diocese of La Crosse or send a message to datebook@diolc.org and share what’s happening at your parish.