“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6
The kind of families children grows up in affects every part of their lives, including their educational success. Social science research finds that children who grew up in an always-married family are:
• Morelikelytoearn Asandtograduatefrom high school,
• least likely to have behavioral problems in school,
• and more engaged in school than children from all other family structures.
And that:
• Parents, especially fathers, in intact married families are most likely to help their children with homework.
• Always-married parents are more encouraging of and have higher expectations for their children, than stepparents do.
A stable family is one of the greatest benefits a child can have. The next improvement you make in your marriage will benefit your child also. What will it be?
The chart below shows that children from intact families tend to do better in Math and English subjects than children from other family structures.WeasChristians, and as citizens, are rightly concerned with the educational success of our children. Let us, therefore, consider how it may be the intact family, not any“program,” that contributes most to this end.