From the Bishop

Go and Invite Everyone to the Banquet

This article was posted on: August 30, 2024

I am writing to you regarding World Mission Sunday, Oct. 20, 2024.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

My time with you as your bishop has been and continues to be a blessed whirlwind of activity. I have a spirit-filled confidence that God is moving in a special way in these 19 counties of western Wisconsin. The richness of faith I have encountered gives me pause for great hope in our future.

Today, however, I am writing to you regarding World Mission Sunday, Oct. 20, 2024. On that day, the mystical body of Christ on earth gathers all her faithful to pray, partake in the Eucharist and share generously in imitation of Christ as we participate in the Lord’s mission. Pope Francis names the event a “banquet of the kingdom.” In his message, he puts before us the parable of Jesus in which a king invites others to the wedding feast of his son. When the stately guests refuse to come, he sends his servants into the streets. The feast is set and he says, “Go and invite everyone to the banquet.” (Mt 22:9)

It is no theoretical meal to which Pope Francis invites us, repeating the words of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew. It is to the Mass itself that His Holiness beckons us and asks us to bring others. He writes, “This fullness of life, which is Christ’s gift, is anticipated even now in the banquet of the eucharist, which the Church celebrates at the Lord’s command in memory of Him. The invitation to the eschatological banquet that we bring to everyone in our mission of evangelization is intrinsically linked to the invitation to the Eucharistic table, where the Lord feeds us with His Word and with His Body and Blood.” (Message of Pope Francis for WMS, 2024)

The collection we will take up for World Mission Sunday directly supports seminaries, future religious sisters, catechists, Catholic schools that provide essential education, and healthcare centers that provide essential care, embodying the love of Christ. The beneficiaries are our brothers and sisters in over 1,150 mission territories across Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Pacific Islands and the Middle East giving us an opportunity to share directly in Christ’s mission, which is ours too.

Let me conclude by extending to you my gratitude for your continual generosity. I am thankful for your warm welcome to our diocese and your continued prayer supporting our local Church. May your celebration of World Mission Sunday afford you the hope you give by your sharing in the mission of Christ. Let us remember each other at the banquet of the kingdom.

I remain yours in Christ,

Most Reverend Gerard W. Battersby
Bishop of La Crosse

Published in the September/October 2024 issue of Catholic Life Magazine

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