In the natural beauty of Eau Claire, Father Eric Linzmaier’s journey to the priesthood began with a simple invitation. As a young altar server in 5th grade, assisting at his cousin’s wedding, he felt the first stirrings of a calling that would change his life. This experience led young Eric to serve more regularly at his home parish, where the retiring priest in Cooks Valley posed a question that would stick with him for years to come: “Have you ever considered becoming a priest?”
Father Linzmaier fondly remembers that significant moment from sixth grade: “It was truly special to be noticed and to receive a personal invitation from a priest I was close with to discern my vocation.” This early seed of his calling was nurtured further by his middle and high school teachers, who recognized in him the temperament of a future priest. They often shared these observations with his parents, which introduced and familiarized Father Linzmaier with the idea of becoming a priest.
The power of personal invitation continued to shape Father Linzmaier’s journey, from the encouragement of his teachers to the welcoming community he found at the Newman Center during his college years. These experiences instilled in him a deep appreciation for the impact of individual outreach, which he now incorporates into his own ministry.
The Path to Priesthood
Despite the early inklings of his calling, Father Linzmaier’s journey was not a straight path. He pursued an English degree at the University of Minnesota in the Twin Cities, viewing it as a practical “back-up plan.” The Newman Center on campus provided a strong spiritual community for his faith during these formative years. The convenience of being able to walk from his dorm to a space where he built meaningful friendships was crucial for him. “Having that resource was really important for me, especially at a public university where finding people with similar values and beliefs could be challenging,” he reflects.
After college, Father Linzmaier spent a year in discernment and preparing his application to enter Mundelein Seminary in Illinois. This time of reflection strengthened his commitment to the priesthood and helped him embrace his true calling.
A Ministry of Community and Compassion
Father Linzmaier’s ministry has taken him across Wisconsin, serving multiple parishes throughout the Diocese of La Crosse. For the past nine years, he has been deeply involved in the communities of Cornell, Jim Falls and Drywood.
In each location, he has found unique ways to connect with his parishioners and adapt to the needs of his community. In the resort area where he now serves, Father Linzmaier embraces the ebb and flow of seasonal visitors. “As soon as you get north of Highway 29, you have this profound feeling of escaping your everyday life,” he notes, appreciating the opportunity to continue guiding parishioners from previous assignments who visit during the busy summer months. Father Linzmaier welcomes the parishioners whether they visit and camp for just a short amount of time or have seasonal homes and visit throughout the warmer seasons.
Challenges and Innovations
The COVID-19 pandemic posed significant challenges for Father Linzmaier’s ministry, particularly due to the remote locations of his parishes. He acknowledges, “It has been difficult to recover, especially for young families.” In response, he has focused on creating more inviting and engaging opportunities for involvement. He observes that while there is a core group of extremely active members, as a body of Christ, it is essential for everyone to participate and contribute to the life of the parish.

One such innovation is the shift of family CCD (Confraternity of Christian Doctrine) classes to Sunday mornings instead of Wednesday evenings. This change includes potluck meals aimed at fostering fellowship among families. “This helps get families to Mass and makes the CCD classes more convenient for them,” Father Linzmaier explains, emphasizing his commitment to strengthening community ties.
A Legacy of Reverence and Gratitude
When reflecting on his various assignments, Father Linzmaier finds it impossible to choose a favorite, comparing it to “choosing your favorite child.” Each parish has held a special place in his heart, providing unique opportunities for growth and service. “Despite the challenges that come with each assignment, I’ve been able to take away something positive from every experience,” he shares. “There is always something good to be learned.”
Father Linzmaier believes that one of his most significant contributions to his parishes is fostering a sense of prayerfulness and reverence. As an introvert by nature, he approaches the Mass with particular thoughtfulness and care. “I love to sing, and it’s one of my favorite parts of the Mass,” he explains. “I try to inspire people to participate fully and recognize that everything we have is a gift from God. It’s special to be able to share that gift with others.”
Father Linzmaier emphasizes the importance of a priest’s dedication to the sanctity of the Mass. He notes that a congregation can truly sense the reverence and respect a priest has for the liturgy and his pastoral responsibilities. “It’s profound and special when done well,” he highlights, underlining the significance of leading by example in spiritual matters.
A Passion for Spiritual Depth
Father Linzmaier’s ministry is characterized by a deep commitment to praying for the souls in purgatory—a practice he believes is often overlooked. Inspired by a book called, “Stories about Purgatory and What They Reveal,” gifted to him by his sister, he has made it his mission to rekindle this aspect of the Catholic Faith among his parishioners. “It’s not just something we do at funerals,” he emphasizes, noting with satisfaction the increasing number of Mass intentions for the deceased.
Each morning, Father Linzmaier dedicates time to pray for those he has served throughout his priesthood, including current and former parishioners, fellow clergy, friends, family members and benefactors. This practice not only deepens his own faith but also strengthens the spiritual bonds within his community.
Looking Ahead
As Father Eric Linzmaier continues his journey in the priesthood, his story serves as a testament to the power of personal invitation, community support and unwavering faith. Through his dedication to serving others and fostering deeper spiritual connections, he embodies the true essence of pastoral care, guiding his flock with compassion, innovation and an enduring commitment to the Catholic Faith.
His ongoing ministry reflects not just personal achievement but also a profound impact on those around him. Whether celebrating Masses or supporting local communities through significant life events, Father Linzmaier remains a steadfast presence in the lives he touches, a true shepherd leading with love and devotion.
Story by Eleanor Peabody
Published in the Spring 2025 issue of Catholic Life Magazine