God is transcendent. I have believed this my entire life, and have always known that He is present in my life and...
As a senior in high school, there are moments where life can be hectic.
“There is nothing so great as the Eucharist. If God had something more precious, He would have given it to us.”
It might be tempting then to reduce Dorothy Day to a figure of social and political action. But that would fail to...
In the mission field strength and solace can be hard to find.
The Mass is the real and mystical entering into the death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth.
Christianity isn’t the default societal norm anymore, and that means it’s time to step up. What the world needs now are bold,...
Pam began her work at Times Review on July 18, 1977, during a time when parish bulletins and diocesan newspapers were essential...
For several years now, Jack’s role has been recording, editing and sending off the show once a week to two Catholic networks.
“Am I more like Jesus this year than I was last year?”
More than one philosopher has observed that since men have two ears but only one mouth, we ought to listen twice as...
The holy Eucharist is not merely a symbol; it is Jesus Himself—both God and man—Who makes Himself truly and substantially present to...
An encounter with the eucharistic Lord What could coffee, St. Catherine and a campfire possibly have in common? Each represents a defining...