Tom Reichenbacher Superintendent of Catholic Schools Is it worth it to enroll a child in a Catholic school? There is the cost...
Sister Donna Krzmarzick Director of Consecrated Life It was April 1945 and World War II was nearing its end. Father Joseph Kentenich,...
Mary Allison volunteers her time to the homebound parishioners of St. Joseph Parish in Menomonie. For Mary Allison, visiting the sick is not...
SHE SAYS I need my fiancé to become Catholic before we get married HE SAYS I don’t think I need to be...
An unexpected opportunity for a one-liner Ann Lankford Director of the Office for Catechesis and Evangelization Recently, I returned to my hometown...
By George Weigel Ever since the United Kingdom decided in June to leave the European Union, contending (and sometimes overlapping) explanations have...
“This is not an urban issue; this is our issue” Milwaukee – Fr. Timothy Kitzke, Vicar General for Urban Ministry, invites all...
SISTER MARY PAT HILL 1947–2016 Sister Mary Pat Hill, 69, died peacefully on August 14, 2016 at Hillview Health Care Center in...
Sister Dorothea Burr, Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration, 97, died Friday, August 5, 2016 at Villa St. Joseph, La Crosse. She was...
A growing concern today involves the role of pornography as the next generation’s instructor in human sexuality. For many young people, pornography...
By George Weigel The following, instructive nugget comes from Times of London columnist Tim Montgomerie, writing in late July after a visit...
Catholic Sisters across the state of Wisconsin are celebrating anniversaries this summer. They have touched the lives of many through their ministry...
Father Richard L. Fliss, at the age of 78 and a priest for 50 years, died on Wednesday, July 20, 2016 in...