From the Bishop

Celebrate Catholic Life!

This article was posted on: December 1, 2015

Most Reverend  William Patrick Callahan
Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of La Crosse.

Life! What a great gift from God!

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been told how God’s presence has been made real in people’s lives through encounters, by a turn of events or even just in their ordinary routine. Think back when something in your life was astonishing. One of the first things you did was reach out to tell someone. It’s this sense of sharing one’s story that is fascinating, genuine and often draws us into another’s life. Discovering how others encounter Christ in their lives can take us from where we are to where God wants us to be.

Catholic Life is not the new version of The Catholic Times. Looking through these pages, you will see some new things and new faces. We are so grateful and proud of the 80 years of service from The Catholic Times. We now look forward to service in ministry to the New Evangelization in bringing you Catholic Life. More than a newspaper, Catholic Life will help all of us investigate and learn about various trends and current ideas regarding our faith and its practice in day-to-day life.

You will see our Catholic faith presented in a way that will intrigue and captivate, seeing the many facets and many people who are involved in Catholicism today. We will go a bit deeper into values and issues that represent the Christian point of view from around the diocese and the global Church. We will report on news, as well as provide thought-provoking ideas and opinions about how our faith is lived – and why it matters that we have beliefs and practices that are unique and interesting.

Catholic Life will take us into the questions and answers of our faith, and introduce us to various people, places and events that will expose us to some deeper understandings of Catholicism and its impact on our daily living.

You will meet new people – both in our diocese and around the world. Historic points of interest and new methods of making faith and culture will come alive through some enjoyable reporting and writing.

Communication in the Church is a growing and significant new frontier. Catholics, following the leadership of Pope Francis and the holy lives of people such as Pope St. John Paul II and Blessed Teresa of Calcutta have become much more active in the world of entertainment, politics, finance and world affairs. I’ve noticed how the Gospel is having an impact in our secular world in some phenomenal ways. We, at Catholic Life, will do our best to connect you with the worldwide Church and the local lives of friends and neighbors in Central and Western Wisconsin.

It is my hope that you will take to heart everything you find in Catholic Life. We are reminded to keep the spirit of encounter alive by these words, “If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts.” So often the pace of our lives can overtake our ability to see how God is working within us. Find time to encounter him today. Make time to experience him in the sacraments, especially the Eucharist at Sunday Mass. Take time to see him in those around you, especially those most often overlooked or forgotten. Pray for God’s mercy to be poured out in the coming year to renew the face of the earth – especially in our beloved Diocese of La Crosse.

The Catholic Diocese of La Crosse
3710 East Ave. South
La Crosse, WI 54601

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