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If you would like to add a parish event to the diocesan calendar, please send a message to datebook@diolc.org to share what’s happening at your parish.

Here’s a glance at how the filming of the Christmas Morning Mass is really done. This marks the 10th Anniversary of the TV Mass, celebrated by Bishop Callahan.
10th Anniversary of the TV Mass
The Christmas Morning Mass marks the 10th anniversary of the TV Mass, celebrated by Bishop Callahan at Christ the King Chapel in La Crosse. After 10 years on air, the TV Mass can be seen by more than 8,000 viewers weekly, and viewership only continues to rise. Funded in part by the Diocesan Annual Appeal and viewer donations, the TV Mass is broadcast on eight different channels within the diocese. For more channel information, or if you want to know how to donate, please visit the TV Mass website at www.diolc.org/tvmass.
The Year of Consecrated Life ushers in the Year of Mercy
As the Year of Consecrated Life comes to a close and the Year of Mercy begins, it is important to recognize and explore the undeniable influence that the consecrated persons have on sharing the power of God’s Mercy.
Pope Francis said in his letter on the Year of Consecrated Life: “Religious follow the Lord in a special way, in a prophetic way. This is the priority that is needed right now: ‘to be prophets who witness to how Jesus lived on this earth.’”
The past year has been a time to reflect on the importance of those who dedicate their lives to the Church and to encourage a more open heart and mind for those who might be called to live a consecrated life.
So, as the Jubilee Year of Mercy is ushered in, it is, in a way, entrusted first and foremost to all consecrated men and women who are often relied upon to share, teach and live God’s mercy. It must start with them if mercy is to fully take root in every heart.
Pope Francis also said, “The Church’s very credibility is seen in how she shows merciful and compassionate love.” Those living a consecrated life are called to be shining examples and role models for parishioners to aspire to. There is so much to learn from these consecrated men and women and, as the Year of Consecrated Life closes, continue to pray for them and for more of them to help share God’s great Mercy.

Georgia Link and Dorothy Ashenbrenner love to spread the word about myParish App for St. Joseph Parish In Galloway, Wisconsin, by wearing their shirts whenever they get a chance!
I’m not texting, I’m praying
No, the person in the pew next to you isn’t texting during church, they’re praying! myParish app is a great new tool that puts parish information right in the palm of your hand. Not only does it provide Mass times, but it has the option to set prayer, confession and special Mass reminders; it also offers such faith-strengthening resources as the daily Mass readings, prayer request submission, Bishop Callahan’s blog and access to news from the Catholic News Service. You may also find the pastor’s homily and the weekly bulletin just to get you started! Within the app, there is also a Catholic Life button where you can read articles from this month’s issue.
Every parish in the Diocese of La Crosse has an app, so download myParish app today, connect with your parish and explore a tool that can help you stay more connected to your parish and your faith. You can also text “app” to “88202” to download the myParish app on your mobile device.