President Jeff Heinzen announces new Principal for McDonell Central Catholic High School and Notre Dame Middle School
Mr. Jeff Heinzen, President of the McDonell Area Catholic Schools (MACS) is pleased to announce the hiring of Mr. Brian Schulner as the new McDonell Central Catholic High School and Notre Dame Middle School Principal for the 2016-2017 school year. Mr. Heinzen said, “Mr. Schulner brings a wealth of experience to this position and we are delighted to have him become part of our MACS community.”
Though Mr. Schulner has been in the public school system as an administer for 20 years, four years at Eau Claire North and most recently 16 years the Fall Creek School District, he is no stranger to Catholic Education. He commented, “I have truly enjoyed my years as an administrator in Fall Creek and confident I am leaving the district a better place. Having attended Catholic Schools in my youth at Saint Mary’s Elementary in Altoona, Saint Patrick’s Middle School in Eau Claire and graduated high school from Eau Claire Regis, I am excited to be returning to my roots and playing an active part as an academic and spiritual leader within the McDonell Catholic community.”
In the 2015-2016 school year at MACS, they saw a Lead Team model in place at the middle and high school levels. “Thank you to the teachers and former McDonell Principal John Flanagan who lead the decision making process at the two schools this year,” said Mr. Heinzen.
Mr. Schulner will officially begin his new position July 1, 2016.
McDonell Area Catholic Schools have a long Catholic history filled with strong tradition, which started in 1881 with Father Charles Goldsmith asking the School Sisters of Notre Dame to staff the school. In 1882 the high school department was formed. Later the Holy Ghost Fathers and Christian Brothers joined the sisters in teaching the students.
We continue this fine tradition supporting the whole child, mind, body, spirit and community today under the direction of the Chippewa Falls Dean, the President and the advisement of the Education Commission.