
Basic Catholic Principles for Healing the Culture

This article was posted on: September 7, 2017

In a world where our young people don’t always know right from wrong, good from bad, or true and false, it can be hard to convey the importance of God and humanity. But Camille Pauley, with a winning approach to “Healing the Culture” that engages head and heart, visited La Crosse as the keynote speaker for the Office of Catechesis’ annual conference and used vivid examples and stories that hit home. Her starting point is something everybody can relate to – the desire for happiness. But her approach is in distinguishing four levels of happiness, each higher and more fulfilling than the last.

Camille spoke about the great confusion that has resulted from the sickness that has been growing within our culture– about marriage, pre-marital sex, abortion, assisted suicide, and so many other issues. Although many principals relate to right to life arguments, these happiness principals can be applied to every aspect of your life, because God’s love permeates every aspect of your life. It’s easy to live in the shallow end of happiness, finding “joy” in posessions or even job success but Camille goes deeper into challenging us all to explore happiness through helping others, but ultimately finding happiness through our relationship with God.

Camille’s presentation was in front of people with a variety of backgrounds but gave tools to Catechists who can take the materials back and help heal the culture through their lessons with their students.







On the first evening of the conference, the Catechetical Leader of the Year Award was awarded to two people, Sherrie Weber of St. Mary Parish in Auburndale and JoAnn Sondelski from St. Paul Parish in Mosinee. The award is given each year to outstanding directors, coordinators or youth ministers who have served the Diocese of La Crosse for at least five years, worked diligently to promote the intefrity of religious formation programs locally and regionally, have stressed the importance of professional development and emphasized living a virtuous life in his/her program.

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La Crosse, WI 54601

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