Marriage Matters

Interpersonal Benefits of Religion for the Family

This article was posted on: February 14, 2019

Family relationships are strengthened through parental involvement and religious practice. Social science research details the influence of worship and parents:

Influence of Worship:
• Mothers who attend religious services throughout the course of their child’s life report a more positive relationship with their child.
• Parents who attend church are more involved in their children’s education.
• Adults in always-intact marriages who attend religious services at least weekly are more likely to believe the best of other people: only 25.2 percent of these adults believe that most people try to take advantage of others, compared with 39 percent of married adults who never worship.

Influence of Parents:
• Young adults whose parents stay married hold more traditional views of marriage and believe that children should be raised with both parents.
• Parental involvement with their high school age children reduces risky sexual behavior.
• High school students whose parents disapprove of gambling are less likely to end up having gambling problems.

Given that religious practice and parental involvement are significant influences in your child’s life, what is the next change you can make in yourself to increase your influence on your child?

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