Marriage Matters

This Just In . . . Pornography Harms Marriages!

This article was posted on: March 21, 2019

Pornography is harmful to individuals and to marriages. Social science research
documents the negative effects:

  1. Wives whose husbands view pornography often begin to feel unattractive and may become severely depressed.
  2. The distress level in some wives may be so high as to require clinical treatment for trauma.
  3. Wives experience decreased intimacy from husbands who use pornography.
  4. Prolonged exposure to pornography fosters dissatisfaction with, and even distaste for, a spouse’s affection.
  5. Pornography is increasingly correlated with divorce,and according to the only study on the issue, in 56 percent of divorce cases at least one spouse was obsessively interested in pornography.
  6. Forty percent of husbands who are addicted to pornography eventually lose their spouse.
  7. Most men and many women have a false view of the effect of pornography.

Pornography undermines a man’s capacity to be a good husband on many
levels. Do your sons know that pornography will rob them of their capacity for
marriage? Do your daughters?

Download this information sheet to help you educate them!

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