“But from everlasting to everlasting the LORD’s love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children’s children.”
Psalm 103:17
Growing up in a community that supports marriage instills norms and values in children. According to social science research, children who grow up with married parents are:
• More likely to expect to get married,
• more likely to enter marriage as their first union, and less likely to cohabit,
• more likely t obe happily married in turn, and less likely to divorce, and
• most likely to have a supportive relationship with their parents from infancy onward.
Marriage is good for the parents too, as married couples enjoy higher levels of emotional psychological well-being.
Given the significance of marriage for your children’s future happiness, what “next step” can you take in your marriage? If your family is not intact, how do you help your child be chaste? Do you know how to guide them in making a good choice of a future spouse? Do you know other single parents who have successfully done so?
The chart below shows that people from intact families are more likely to value marriage and see it as an important institution than are those from non-intact families.

*It bears emphasizing that these patterns hold for the groups involved, not for all the individuals who make up each group. There is naturally a wide variation among individuals.