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Great apps and blog to keep your faith growing.

This article was posted on: November 19, 2019

We encourage you to bookmark these websites and blogs or download these apps this month.

Apostleship of Prayer: Everyone knows that prayer is important. But, not everyone is confident in the various forms of prayer. Thank heavens for the good folks at the Apostleship of Prayer for creating a website, blog and an app to help people of all ages learn to pray with more confidence and reverence. The site bills itself as the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer network and it certainly lives up to that label. You will find daily, monthly and themed prayer intentions that are written for specific audiences: children, teens and adults. The site also has great blog articles and stories about prayer.

Probably the most wonderful part of the site is the new app that connects you with a worldwide network of people who collectively pray for the intentions of the Holy Father. This is such a powerful way to make a difference across the globe. Make sure to download the app and join your voice to those around the world.

Jennifer Fulwiler: Are you are mom who needs a sense of humor about raising your children to be Catholic? Is so, you should probably check out this website. (Honestly, dads would even find this website interesting.) Jennifer Fulwiler is a mother of six children, a national speaker and a radio host of her own show on Catholic Radio – Sirius 129. She is humorous, challenging and deeply committed to the Catholic faith. Her perspective is inviting and novel; you see, Jennifer was an atheist for most of her life and only converted to the faith a decade ago. Bookmark this one.

Father Loe Feeds: This website is for the Catholic who likes to cook. Father Leo Feeds is the brainchild of Father Leo Patalinghug. Father Leo was born in the Philippines and raised in the Baltimore area. He actually developed his love for cooking while attending the seminary at the North American College in Rome. There, he became friendly with several Italian restaurant owners and would often invite them back to the student kitchen to trade cooking secrets. They would teach him about rigatoni and lasagna; he would show them how to make hamburgers and ribs. Today, he is a skilled cook who still enjoys learning how to make new dishes, and loves the process of preparing a meal, as much as he does sharing it with a table full of friends. His website offers great recipes and Catholic insights. 

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