
Kroll family of Marshfield named Wisconsin Knights of Columbus Family of the Year for 2020

This article was posted on: September 15, 2020

We are happy to congratulate the Albert and Shirley Kroll family of the John Eisen Council 1799 as being named the Family of the Year. Bishop Callahan extends his best wishes in this video.

The Kroll family are members of Our Lady of Peace Parish in Marshfield. They have four children: Jeffrey (44), Amy (Kroll) Lindell (42), Army Major Phillip (40), Dr. Christine (Kroll) Laszcwski (35) and six grandchildren.

“It is not necessary to hold an office or be in charge,” said Albert, “but rather to belong and be willing to participate.” During his 40 years as a knight, Albert was chancellor, the chairman of four programs, worked with squires, pancake breakfasts, steak feeds, fish fries, knowledge contest and selling raffle tickets. He served at parades, high school graduations and funerals for the 4th degree honor guard and was the local 2009 Knight of the Year. In the church, Albert serves at funerals, is a member of the choir, helps at the parish annual father/daughter dance and is a strong proponent of vocations. Albert re-established a Boy Scout troop in his parish that grew to 36 boys, led camping experiences year-round and was a merit badge counselor.

Shirley helped at knight events and was a stay at home mom for 16 years before returning to work as a registered nurse. She sewed new tablecloths for the K of C meeting hall and helped create costumes for the Way-of-the-Cross grade school presentations. She taught 2nd grade CCD, was an officer of the Home and School Association, a Boy Scout Religious Emblems counselor for Ad Altare Dei and Pope Pius XII religious awards and a member of the Catholic Committee on Scouting. She received the Scouting Bronze Pelican award for working with youth and the St. George Medal from Bishop Raymond Burke for adult leadership.

“The core of our lives begins with our parish and raising our family,” said Albert, “following in the footsteps of our Catholic upbringing.” All their children attended Catholic school from kindergarten through 12th grade. Jeffrey and Phillip were Eagle Scouts. Both boys and one daughter were altar servers and the boys helped usher. Amy and Christine were excellent flutists and blessed many school and parish Masses with their beautiful music. They even played at funerals by special request. The family prayed together and frequented Eucharistic Adoration and First Friday devotions. The children were active in the school Mission Club, were involved in the Stewardship program and school fund raising programs.

The Kroll family received the Family of the Month award in 2019 for their council. Albert and Shirley’s passion for supporting vocations through the Carmelite nuns and Priests for Tomorrow earned them the Light of Christ award from Bishop William Patrick Callahan and Cardinal James Harvey. They donated money to paint the Christ statue in the park. They help elderly and homebound neighbors with lawn-care and snow shoveling. Their example of having an attitude of ‘paying it forward’ is deeply instilled in their children.

“I’m happy to be part of the larger group recognizing your many gifts and thanking you for your faithful service,” said Bishop Callahan. “May God continue to bless you and your family.”

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