
Making your Intercessory Prayer Fruitful

This article was posted on: October 7, 2021

Oct. 7 – is the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, marking a 16th-century European naval victory attributed to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. May she intercede for us today and bring us closer to her Son, Jesus Christ.

There’s something comforting about the faithful grandmother earnestly praying the rosary for her children and grandchildren. Her steadfast Faith, unwavering devotion and genuine belief in the power of her prayers inspire admiration but may also bring up these questions: Does it really matter? Is God actually listening to and answering her prayers?

The starting line of intercessory prayer is Faith. We must believe the Lord is always listening and always faithful. There’s nothing flashy about faithful intercessory prayer, but God notices. Here’s how we can begin:

Pray in the Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Divine Advocate. Romans Chapter 8, reminds us that the Spirit united with our spirit allows us to cry “Abba, Father.” The Spirit unites us to Christ, who brings us to His Father, and God the Father always listens to His children.

Be specific and intentional. General prayers are fine, but praying for a specific need helps to clarify what we desire God to do for us. It also allows us to see more clearly when He answers our prayers.

Pair intercession with fasting. By uniting our suffering with Jesus, we participate in the ultimate action of intercession (Christ’s death on the cross) and mysteriously unleash a fresh abundance of grace on ourselves and those for whom we’re praying.

Taken from:

Published in the September/October 2021 Issue of Catholic Life Magazine

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