
The Most Real Thing About Us Is Our Need for God

This article was posted on: January 12, 2023

An Appropriate Time for Revival!

It is expedient to ponder the question, “Why do we need God?” We need God because He is our loving Father, without Whom we would not even exist, and who gives us everything we need and will protect us from what will separate us from Him. Our Heavenly Father knows how much we need Him. He desires us to flourish through His gifts of unconditional love, mercy, forgiveness, goodness, protection, strength, wisdom, knowledge and guidance. Our Father shows the extent of His love for us by sending His Son, Jesus, our Savior. Scripture records these words: “and they shall call Him Emmanuel, a name which means God is with us.” (Mt 1:23)

The name Emmanuel is meant to capture our attention. It indicates that Jesus wants to be with us, to stay with us! Jesus remains with us, even after He ascended to Heaven. At the Last Supper, Jesus gave the Apostles, and thereby all of us, the holy Eucharist, the pledge of His love that we receive. In the Mass, we relive the redemptive sacrifice that Jesus made for us on the cross. Further, Jesus wants to be so close to us that He comes inside of us as we receive Him in holy Communion. This incredible gift of Himself to us is not simply natural bread to nourish our bodies. During the Eucharistic Prayer at Mass, through the power of the Holy Spirit and the priest praying the words of Jesus, the bread and wine are changed into the body and blood of Christ—supernatural bread that spiritually nourishes and strengthens us with His grace. We need Jesus dwelling within us because life can be difficult and our journey to heaven requires strength above our human nature.

The holy Eucharist is the Church’s most precious treasure. What a gift, that we may have a life-giving encounter with Jesus, truly present in the Eucharist. At Sunday Mass, and every day if we choose, we come to meet Jesus in the closest possible way on earth, by receiving Him in the holy Eucharist.

Receiving holy Communion:
– augments a most intimate union with Jesus Christ 
– strengthens and fortifies our charity
– unites us in the mystical body of the Church and with those in heaven
– commits us to the poor
– makes us long for eternal life and pledges glory with Him in heaven
(Catechism of the Catholic Church, #1391-1398, 1419)

These reasons are compelling. It seems as if today—with widespread confusion, anger, anxiety, fear and despair—we need more than ever to strengthen our Faith in Our Lord’s true presence in holy Communion and encounter Him in a real way.

There is something happening causing great joy. A movement has been initiated by our bishops that seeks to renew the Church by enkindling a living relationship with Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. The dioceses of the United States have embarked on a three-year time of grace called “Eucharistic Revival.” It is an occasion for us to deepen our understanding, celebration and love of Jesus in the Eucharist.

During this Eucharistic Revival, specifically pray for the grace of God to help you understand, believe and know more deeply that the Eucharist is really Christ Himself. Be encouraged and committed to participate in this revival and pray for the powerful effects for all Catholics, those seeking to become Catholic, our parishes and schools in this diocese and all others to whom God wishes to give Himself as they are drawn or redrawn to the Church.

This is an extremely significant time to realize fully that the Eucharist is the most important place of encounter with Jesus and is the foundation of our Catholic Faith. Don’t miss it!

Ann Lankford
Director of the Office for Catechesis and Evangelization
Published in the Jan./Feb. 2023 issue of Catholic Life Magazine

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