
Inspired by the Spirit – Transforming Vision into Action

This article was posted on: July 17, 2023

The Diocese of La Crosse embarked on a journey over the past few years to understand how to better serve the people of West Central Wisconsin. The journey began with consulting parishioners, parishes and clergy to collaboratively develop our plan for the next 150 years.

This forward thinking, combined with deep gratitude for our beautiful and storied history, gave rise to the Inspired by the Spirit capital campaign. We launched this campaign to raise the funds necessary to strengthen our parishes’ infrastructure and to fund and bolster our ministries. And you, the people of the diocese, responded. In an overwhelming show of gratitude and stewardship, we surpassed our $40 million goal.

The generous response to the campaign is a testament to the value of our mission. The funds raised are a tangible expression of love and gratitude for the gifts we received from God, the work and sacrifice of those who came before, and our continuing participatory yes to the mission given to the Church.

With these efforts, our future generations will find welcoming parishes, strengthened ministries and a transcendent beauty.

The response is humbling and inspiring; it shows the world that good people, good communities and Faith in God are here and open for all to experience. Our parishes are not museums, but rather vibrant places of worship, where people encounter Jesus in the sacraments and are called to go forth and share the Good News.

Readily apparent in the excitement of remodels, renovations and expansions is the knowledge of how these changes increase and deepen our relationship with Christ. As our parishes further enhance their accessibility and hospitality, they open doors for those on the periphery to join the eucharistic feast.

With these efforts, our future generations will find welcoming parishes, strengthened ministries, and a transcendent beauty through which the Holy Spirit awakens a deeper connection with Christ.

As I traveled the 19 counties of our diocese, visiting as many of the 156 parish receptions as possible, I encountered people whose love for their parish and their Faith filled the room with excitement and a shared vision. So many people stepped forward to say, “There is more we can do.” This enthusiasm and zeal will carry us forward. Thank you to all who supported this effort, especially the many priests, deacons and lay volunteers in each parish who put their talents and time into this endeavor.

Jeff Reiter
Director of the Office for Stewardship and Development
Published in the July/August 2023 issue of Catholic Life Magazine

The Catholic Diocese of La Crosse
3710 East Ave. South
La Crosse, WI 54601

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