
The Joy Received from Priesthood

This article was posted on: August 30, 2024

To have a priest in your family is a great honor filled with respect and pride!

The Catholic priesthood is a prestigious vocation in Ghanaian society. To have a priest in your family is a great honor filled with respect and pride! I grew up in a strong maternal Catholic family and started serving at the altar in fifth grade.

My vocation to the priesthood was inspired by the second bishop, Most Reverend Charles K. Sam, of my home diocese, Sekondi-Takoradi Diocese, Ghana. His residence and office were in the same neighborhood as my family’s residence. He was fond of kids and loved playing with us as he gave us gifts and advised us whenever he met with us. All these relationships ignited my interest in the priesthood. I was always curious about his regalia. His sweet interpersonal relationships endeared everyone, so I told myself, “I want to be like this man when I grow up.”

At the age of 9, I already knew I wanted to be a Catholic priest in the future. Unfortunately, my grandfather disagreed. He believed that as my mother’s only son, I should have children and start a family. But I felt so strong in my spirit that the priesthood was my place. This burning desire spurred me on.

On Dec. 4, 2010, after being ordained, I felt incredibly enthusiastic and passionate about my new role as a priest. The excitement was simply immeasurable! I was appointed to work in the far west of the western region of my country, where I had to learn a different dialect called Nzema. In addition, because my parish was close to the Ivory Coast, a neighboring country, I had to learn French.

Although I experienced significant cultural shock, these two languages enhanced my ability to effectively communicate and interact with my parishioners to offer my pastoral services, such as celebrating holy Mass, teaching catechism, administering the sacraments, leading youth formation and pastoral trekking to 22 basic Christian communities, or outstations. Visiting these rural communities often involved walking approximately eight miles, traveling by canoe for roughly 10 miles or relying on public transportation on bad roads under harsh and troubling conditions.

At times, I had to endure spending nights in mud huts, where I was exposed to mosquitoes, insects and dangerous animals. Eating foods that I was not used to was not fun, and the lack of electricity and clean drinking water made life cumbersome. Since illiteracy and poverty in the rural areas were prevalent, planning and organizing programs and meetings was not possible without understanding and patience.

Notwithstanding these challenges, I was not discouraged. Instead, I persevered and remained determined to give hope and sustain the people through the Gospel message, charity, pastoral services and personal examples. I served in these environments for eight years until I was asked to travel abroad to pastorally serve the Diocese of La Crosse in 2018, even though I did not like the cold!

Throughout my priestly ministry, I have encountered varied and challenging moments, but the source of joy that has motivated me comes from the parishioners I serve. It gives me joy when they appreciate my services and sacrifices. Seeing their smiles as they grow in their faith, trust and hope in Jesus Christ and serving as an instrument in helping them find meaning in life, even in difficult times, fills me with joy and keeps me motivated.

In my priesthood, I see that I am not only an instrument but also a bridge, a bearer of God’s grace, mercy and favors to the people I serve. I do not allow challenges to determine who I am, but rather, I see them as an opportunity to witness what is in me—God! I love to be a priest!

Story by Father Emmanuel K. Asamoah-Bekoe, Pastor of St. Mary’s Assumption Parish in Durand, Holy Rosary Parish in Lima and Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in Mondovi.
Published in the September/October 2024 issue of Catholic Life Magazine

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