This Jubilee Year of Mercy has been filled with great blessings for our Diocese. It is God who is rich in mercy and He invites us to share what we have received with those around us. Every day, countless good works are happening because you support the Annual Appeal. We continue, with God’s grace, to help others in their most desperate moments. Every time a child finds safety and hope, a family has a breakthrough, a marginalized person rebuilds a life of dignity, a seminarian moves closer to ordination or a student is able to stay in Catholic school, know that your generosity is at work.
Vocations and Clergy
Each of us has a vocation to serve God. Your donation helps support those men and women who dedicate their lives in service to the Church. This year, there are 32 seminarians for our diocese. By supporting the annual appeal, you are assisting with seminary tuition, clergy healthcare, support for consecrated women and men, continued training for our international priests and permanent diaconate formation, all building the future of our Church.
Catholic Education
Far beyond the eight hours a day, five days a week and nine months out of the year, our Catholic School educators are helping parents with the responsibility of educating and preparing their students in a Catholic context. Encouraging and supporting their students to be faithful and active members of the community, our teachers need to be equipped with adequate materials and training, both academically and spiritually. Through your gift, our teachers will be
better able to serve the 7,121 students in our 66 Catholic schools.
Faith Formation
Building a strong community of faith begins by strengthening one’s own relationship with God and the Church and learning about the Catholic Faith is a life-long process. Everyone should have the chance to deepen their faith and grow closer to Jesus Christ through the many programs supported by the annual appeal. By your donation, you will see at your parish the positive effects of faith-based programs like RCIA, Adult Faith Formation and Catholic Social Ministry. The annual appeal also provides support for ongoing formation of certified teachers and catechists, helping foster people’s faith lives and parish participation.
If we want to receive Mercy, we have to give it. But more than that-we have to teach it, live it, model it, and witness it. Through this we can be Christ for others.”
Fr. Clayton Elmhorst – Queen of the Apostles Parish, Tomah
Marriage and Family Life
Marriage and family life resources, support and programming help families flourish during the good times and meet the challenges of the bad. Your gift ensures the joyful promotion and expansion of God’s plan for marriage and family life to spouses, engaged couples, parents, children and young adults. It further allows for the provision of comfort and consolation to those who are struggling during times of loss and grief. Your generosity allows us to reach out with Christ’s love when it is most needed.
Televised Mass
The televised Mass provides tremendous comfort for people who are temporarily or permanently homebound. This ministry provides the opportunity to view Sunday Mass. This “virtual” parish is made up of over 5,000 households from across the diocese who depend on this link to pray with fellow parishioners. Your support of the
annual appeal makes this ministry possible, helping to bring us closer together.
Works of Charity
Last year, over 40,000 people from all parts of our diocese came in need of emergency family support, living assistance, disability services, disaster response or senior services. We care for everyone because we are committed to addressing the needs often caused by injustice. In 2015 alone, know that your gift to the annual appeal helped provide 23,324 nights of care to people who were without an adequate place to rest. Your sacrifice provides everyone with basic care, and respects their human dignity by providing: food, shelter, safety and self-worth.
Missions and the wider Church
Locally and globally, we answer the call to share the love of Jesus Christ with our neighbors. He wants us to be generous with all we have been given and to support the works of the broader Church. Demonstrating our diocesan missionary zeal, your gift to the annual appeal helps support mission work in South America and Africa. Your gift helps children living at Casa Hogar and supports other projects that bring clean water and teach farming techniques to people living without. Our youth learn purpose by building homes and helping with reconstruction, especially in areas hit by disaster. Giving to the annual appeal also helps the Religious who are serving in foreign countries, allowing them to continue with their mission.