When I was studying canon law at The Catholic University of America in Washington, DC, I took a course taught by a...
Since the moment I came into the Catholic Church as an adult, there is one word that is used in the Catholic...
Sacred scripture suggests that God was in the habit of walking with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. (cf. Gn...
AUBURNDALESt. Mary Church• 5854 Main St. |After 2 p.m. Mass CHIPPEWA FALLSSt. Charles Borromeo Church• 810 Pearl St. | 12:30...
Finding quiet to hear the voice of God Off the beaten path and tucked away from residential living sit two conventional buildings...
Mother Veronica uses animals to help people find peace On the outskirts of Marshfield is the Merciful Heart of Jesus Farm. A...
The Most Reverend William Patrick Callahan, D.D., Bishop of La Crosse, makes the following announcement: Deacon John E. Woehrle, assigned to St....
WITNESS THE DIFFERENCE Find a Catholic School near you: diolc.org/schools/find-a-school
Through the devastation of their dairy farm, Marty and Kathy experienced God’s love through their extended family. Jesus said, “For whoever does...
A Golden Tongue for God Born: Sept. 8, 1380Died: May 20, 1444Feast Day: May 20 Claim to fame: St. Bernardine of Siena,...
Taking care of our pastors so they can continue to take care of their flock. Our pastors and priests serve us in...
With hope in the Resurrection, we commend to the Lord Rev. Msgr. Bernard O’Connell McGarty, at the age of 98 and...
Sister Lucentia Klonecki, age 104, a Sister of St. Joseph of the Third Order of St. Francis for 88 years, died May...