A novena is nine days of prayer focused on a particular theme. This novena to St. Joseph is a fitting conclusion to...
If you are unable to join your parish church for Mass, consider praying along with other priests, deacons, and faithful throughout the...
Bernice “Bunny” Traun expresses her love of God through prose and poetry Bernice Traun is known in the Durand community as Bunny,...
Mark was transformed when he let God back into his life When Mark Birrittella decided to take advantage of an early retirement...
Strung along the ridges and valleys of State Highway 33, like pearls on a string, are many small, rural towns. These communities...
Dear Father Joe, I have friends who don’t seem to be interested in returning to Church since the quarantine ended. How do I...
On Aug. 15, we celebrated the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Gospel I proclaimed at Mass was...
When asked to write about St. Joseph, there is an image that has stayed with me this whole year. Have you ever...
The Most Reverend William Patrick Callahan, D.D., Bishop of La Crosse, makesthe following announcements: The Reverend Chinnappan Pelavendran, Associate Pastor of St....
Al recordar las almas de los fieles difuntos este mes, como discípulos misioneros consideramos el como un discípulo misionero pude ayudar a...
As we remember the souls of the faithful departed this month, let us consider how a missionary disciple of Jesus Christ can...
Bev’s prayers turn from petition to thanksgiving Union Center, a village of about 200, is located deep in the heart of the...
If we look closely, our story is made up of a series of moments and experiences threaded together by our trust in...