How prepared are you for death? We realize death is an inevitable, natural part of our life cycle. We do not know...
When I was in the fourth grade at St. Anne’s School in Wausau, our teacher asked us to make some art showing...
Father Joseph Walijewski’s heroic and priestly zeal impacted all those he encountered. As a missionary within the Diocese of La Crosse, Bolivia...
My calling into the Catholic Church was initially through marriage,” Greg Grovesteen said thoughtfully. “I was brought up in a Lutheran family,...
There are many faces behind the Divine Mercy Sunday devotions in the Diocese of La Crosse, and two of this year’s organizers...
God our Father, we give you thanks for the gift of marriage: the bond of life and love, and the font of...
Most people remember their high school years. These four years likely influenced us more than any other time in our life. We...
Parents’ religious behavior and spiritual conversations play a significant role in their adolescent child’s religious life–even more influential than schooling, peers, or...
The other night, my wife and I were praying for our children. There were a couple instances of family conflict weighing heavily...
Christ upon the cross stands at the center of history. Adam and Eve and their ancestors divorced themselves from God by sin:...
As more and more states legalize the use of marijuana for either recreational or medicinal purposes, it’s important for us to become...
Each year, the Office for Marriage and Family Life honors couples from the Diocese who are celebrating 50+ years of marriage. In...
In 2014, Collene attended a talk at her parish, “A Spiritual Journey Through Depression,” given by a Depression Anonymous facilitator from La...