
Graduates of the Lay Formation Institute 2017

This article was posted on: July 11, 2017

Twenty-one new graduates of the diocesan Lay Formation Institute (LFI) were commissioned on June 3, 2017. The two-year LFI energizes lay leadership in our parishes, drawing participants closer to Christ and his Church, deepening their knowledge of the faith, and forming them as joyful disciples.

Front row (left to right): Veronica Steines-Machtan, Patricia Anderson, Jane Gerend, Rosemary Wolf, Janet Orella 2nd row: Cheryl Perron-Kaufer, Barbara Barrett, Susan Boyle, Ann Walgenbach, Greg Gilbertson, Lora Zebro 3rd row: Stephanie Hannasch, Gary Veltus, Judy Kucera, David Zebro Top row: Anthony Shay, Rochelle Schultz, Joseph Back, Jonathan Anderson, Bishop William Patrick Callahan, Christopher Ruff, John Woehrle Not pictured: Sybil Dale

TO LEARN MORE, please visit or contact Christopher Ruff at the Office for Ministries and Social Concerns (608-791-0161).

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La Crosse, WI 54601

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