Marriage Matters

Marriage and Children: Not for the Faint of Heart

This article was posted on: May 3, 2018

In August of 2015, The Catholic Match Institute published an article from the USCCB about the challenges of parenting. We rediscovered it and wanted to share its timeless message with you.

Author Tim Roder opens his article reminding us of the obvious fact that parenting and marriage are demanding, challenging vocations. He quote St. Francis de Sales:

“The state of marriage is one that requires more virtue and constancy than any other: it is a perpetual exercise of mortification.”

Tim Roder’s point is not to discourage anyone from getting married and having children. His point is that we need to recognize marriage and family life as a vocation – a calling from God. We need to accept it as a mission, but also a sacrament. We need grace to perform this mission well.

“Christian marriage and family life is about being open to “God’s grace in daily life … even in the midst of fatigue and domestic chaos” (no. 79). It is indeed in those very moments, of the ordinary, mundane, little, and the seemingly insignificant circumstances of life, that we as parents are able to experience “divine love” in a way that is unparalleled.”

Tim goes on to tell his own story of struggles with his wife. You can read it here in the full article on Catholic Match.

Of course, our greatest mission – and our greatest challenge – is to lead our children into relationship with God. But before we can do that, we need to strengthen our own relationship so we’re sure to have the help of grace in our parenting.

“Like the instruction the flight attendants on an airplane always give if the oxygen mask deploys: put yours on first before assisting your child. We, as parents, need to make sure that we are receptive to grace first and then tend to our kids. We should model a relationship with God by having a strong prayer life as well as seeking the virtues.”

This wonderful article has much more to share. Take a few minutes to read it here:

And if you’d like help embracing the challenging, demanding, but beautiful vocation to be the best parent you can be, visit to find help and resources, or to purchase the Teaching the Way of Love program for Catholic parents.

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La Crosse, WI 54601

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