Marriage Matters

Raise Them Well Personal Maturity: Preparing Your Child for School

This article was posted on: October 3, 2018

Sending a child back to school a decade or two ago was much easier than it is today. Back then, parents worried about buying the right supplies and getting the kids into the right classroom. Today, parents’ worries are more complex: Will there be bullies in school? Is the school safe? Do I agree with what is being taught? Will the teacher see my child’s potential or let him fall through the cracks?

You are not the only one worrying about the coming school year. Your child is likely doing the same thing. His concerns may include your list plus others. Will I fit in? Will I make friends? What am I good at? Where might I fail?

You and I both know that it isn’t good to start a year with anxiety. It’s far better to begin with a sense security and comfort. Experts tell us focusing on a child’s self-worth rather than self-esteem leads to the best outcomes. What’s the difference? How can we increase our children’s self-worth?

Click here to read this Teaching the Way of Love article!

by Alice Heinzen

The Catholic Diocese of La Crosse
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