“The father of the righteous will greatly rejoice; he who fathers a wise son will be glad in him.” Proverbs 23:24
When fathers are married they and their family benefit more:
• Married men earn up to 26 percent More than their unmarried counterparts, and this holds after social scientists have tested every other explanation (education, family background, even DNA from identical twin studies).
• Fathers in always-intact marriage sare more involved in their children’s homework.
• Married men and women report the most enjoyable and the most frequent sexual relations.
• Married men have lower levels of stress.
Given the enormous benefits that come from marriage, what can you do to spread the word? What colleagues can you discuss this with?
The chart below shows that married people have the highest rate of feeling thrilled or excited during sexual intercourse. Even divorced and then remarried men feel more excited than non-married men. Sexual intercourse is clearly designed for marriage.

For links to the research behind these statements, please visit www.marri.us/one-pagers/
*It bears emphasizing that these patterns hold for the groups involved, not for all the individuals who make up each group. There is naturally a wide variation among individuals.