
Join a Small Group this Fall to Grow in Your Relationship with Jesus Christ

This article was posted on: August 25, 2020

Here are five good reasons to join with some people from your parish for a Bible Study or Faith Study Group:

  • It builds community and the sense of belonging in your parish.
  • It develops strong friendships in Christ.
  • It provides a specific time to deepen your relationship with the Lord through greater understanding of the Faith.
  • It strengthens you as you discover others with whom you can “walk” on the journey of life.
  • It helps you to accept others and yourself as imperfect persons who are seeking God.

The Gospels reveal that Jesus taught His disciples in small groups. Further, in the early Church, as spoken about in the Acts of the Apostles, small groups of Christians met in homes – in secret to avoid persecution – to pray and study the Scriptures or hear a teaching about the Faith.

Consider what is being offered at your parish, or get a few friends together to meet in your home. The most important thing is to find something that interests you and then be committed. It will be well worth your time! A list of excellent resources can be found at: Contact your parish as some of these resources may be available there.

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