
Wisconsin Parental Choice Program can provide your child with a Catholic education

This article was posted on: April 16, 2022

Father Mano (Father John Selvamanohar Muthu-Vijayan):
“We are so excited to be a part of WPCP and give students, who are otherwise financially unable to attend, an opportunity to benefit from an education rich in spirituality, instruction and individual attention. For me, it’s also a great way to evangelize. The kids who come under WPCP may not be Catholics or Christians but they will have a lot of opportunities to know God and His love for them. Jesus said to the Pharisees, ‘Those who are healthy do not need a physician, but the sick do.’” Luke 5:31.

For more information, visit dpi.wi.gov/parental-education-options/choice-programs/student-applications

Monsignor Charles Stoetzel:
“Qualifying for the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program will enable parents, whose financial condition might prevent them from otherwise doing so, to realize their desire to have their children educated in a Catholic school.”

Published in the April 2022 Issue of Catholic Life Magazine

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