We have many plans, projects, and needs at this time, but today we must listen to the heart which tells us what is most urgent. At this time of the pandemic, our greatest need is to help save the most fragile who suffer and are suffering because they are in need of oxygen (because of Covid-19).
Heartfelt thanks to you! Because of your generosity, we have been able to buy and supply oxygen for the elderly and vulnerable in our retirement home, who urgently need this support. In recent months we have suffered greatly because the oxygen cylinders were not available due to the great demand and need here in Peru. Those that were available were 3 to 4 times greater the cost, but when it comes down to saving a soul, there was no questioning. Despite the cost, we were able to
purchase 2 cylinders of oxygen, but when the patient is on 15 liters, not even a large cylinder lasts long, so trying to find places throughout Lima that would fill the tank meant large lines, long waits, and lots of expenses. We were also able to buy 2 oxygen concentradors, which help for not having to continuously fill the tanks and scramble to find where they are filling them…. unfortunately the consentrators only reach to 10 liters maximum (so still didn’t meet the needs to increase their oxygen saturation)
Thank you for your generosity!
I have had you close in prayer and in gratitude, and still do, for allowing me to do God’s work with love.
May we continue to pray for and support one another during this hard time for us all.
In Christ,
Sr. Carla
Mission Outreach Spotlight – Catholic Life Published 2016
Donations for Sister Carla’s mission can be sent to:
Daughters of the Pieta
Mission Office – Diocese of La Crosse
PO Box 4004
La Crosse, WI 54602-4004