Priests and parishioners throughout the diocese reflect on interactions they have had with Mother Teresa David Marcou parishioner at St. Joseph...
Sister Carla Maria Harrison is a Daughter of Our Lady of Pieta and is currently living and working in Peru. As a...
My dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Jesus instructed His Church to go out to all nations baptizing and teaching others to...
By Father Woodrow H. Pace Mission Office Director In preparation for World Mission Sunday, Oct. 23, 2016, within the Year of Mercy,...
Altoona and Fall Creek parishioners reach out to the homebound in special push for Mercy Story and photography by McLean Bennett Jane...
By Cathy Cooper, Coordinator of Dietary and services for the Holy Cross Diocesan Center Photography by Monica Organ The beautiful orange leaves,...
By Christopher Carstens Director of the Office for Sacred Worship While showing mercy to others is God-like—we are to be “merciful like...
As we move through the remainder of this Jubilee Year of Mercy, we focus our attention on something very basic—our call to...
Apple Pregnancy Center Executive Director Melinda Gardner (right), created a welcoming environment for Katie Stelter (left) during her second pregnancy, which allowed her to heal and open her heart to new...
St. Anne Parish Builds Hope Wausau’s St. Anne Parish Youth Ministry Mission Trip to Hamilton, Ohio, was a huge success as the...
Chris Rogers Director of the Office for Youth and Young Adult Ministry This is a good question and one that is asked...
Father Woodrow Pace Mission Office Director Without exception, maturing in Catholic spirituality involves reaching out beyond yourself. Whatever form it takes, self-denial...
2016-2017 DIOCESAN ANNUAL APPEAL This Jubilee Year of Mercy has been filled with great blessings for our Diocese. It is God who...