Mitch and Breanna Wentland are a vibrant young couple who have been married for six years. Breanna works as a physician assistant...
As we begin the new year and make a new start, many look to this time as a source of hope and...
John and Dorothy use their gifts to bring joy to others John Giallombardo remembers the first time art became an important part...
Every Advent/Christmas lately, there appear articles and other seasonal media referring to the Ever-Virgin Mary as an “unwed mother.” Why is this?...
La Verne Michalak’s 20 years of decorating Ss. Peter and Paul Church with Christmas trees For the past 20 years, 160,000 lights...
Carol and Jerry share their gift of music with others Growing up in a music-loving Polish family, siblings Carol Olson and Jerry...
Mike and Sandy live their Scouting pledge Our world is in dire need of care, kindness and clear models of selflessness. The...
Becca helps plan so others can experience Christ Sitting quietly in her office in Denver, Colo., Becca Zander chats about her work...
Over the past year, Catholic Life has been focusing on the sacramental life of the Church. In this issue, special focus is...
They don’t ask, ‘Should I?’ They just do! When God asks people to step out in Faith, as He first did with...
Jolly Old St. Nicholas evokes a cheerful image of an elderly, bearded man, kindly handing out gifts to children. This St. Nick,...
REVELATION OF ADVENT The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains that the character of Advent is on Christ, but the focus is...
God helps her care for her homeland of Ukraine Coming to America at age 18 from Zaporizhya, Ukraine, Valentyna Pavsyukova, who now resides in...