
Highlights from the 2018 March for Life:

This article was posted on: January 26, 2018

In January, 193 pilgrims representing the Diocese of La Crosse attended the 44th Annual March for Life in Washington D.C. There were many things to remember this year, one being the first time a sitting president of the United States addressed the group.

Chris Rogers, director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry, led the pilgrimage and offered these comments.

This was the 10th March for Life that I have attended, and this year there seemed to be something a little bit different in the air.  There was a greater sense of hope. Hope for the unborn, hope for the women who are pregnant and scared about their future and the future of their child, hope for the fathers, and the families. There was a greater sense of genuine care for all whom life issues affect.

Again this year we had people of all ages who had never attended the March for Life before. Seeing them take in the passion and excitement of the march was inspiring. It was evident that these “first timers” understood they were part of something bigger and could now see just how much support there is for the dignity of life.

We were very excited that we were able to fill four buses this year.  However, next year we want to double the number from the Diocese of La Crosse.   This can easily be accomplished if every person who went this year, brings one person with them next year. The dates next years pilgrimage are Wednesday, Jan. 16-Sunday, Jan. 20, 2019. Please start making plans to join us now!

Chris Ruff, Director of the Office for Ministries and Social Concerns traveled with the group. Here is the summary his experience “What I noticed at this year’s Pilgrimage for Life was how deeply our young people were touched in terms of their faith and their relationship with Christ. The high point for this was a pair of talks given to them by Fr. Pablo de Romani and Valentyna Pavsyukova, missionaries for Chalice of Mercy, that really challenged them to center their lives on God. Our young people were captivated by this message and cheered at the end. It was quite moving and made it truly a pilgrimage, not just a march.”

Here are more memories of the pilgrimage.

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