Sister Lucentia Klonecki, SSJ-TOSF, 101, this spring celebrated her 85th jubilee
Sister Lucentia, formerly Veronica Klonecki of Arcadia, entered the SSJ-TOSF community in 1933 at age 16 after hearing God’s call. She was invested in 1935 and began her career in education. “I dedicated my life to being a good teacher, forming both spiritual and scholastic experiences to make the students better Christians and respectful citizens, prepared for furthering their education for a wholesome life.”
After teaching for 25 years in Wisconsin schools, she served as the school consultant for the Diocese of La Crosse for 11 years. She held the position of a receptionist in medical records at Skemp-Grandview Clinic in La Crosse for four years. She then pursued ministry to the elderly and shut-ins.
After a year-long sabbatical, she worked in Michigan and later turned to pastoral ministry at a parish in Janesville, focusing on ministry to the homebound and elderly.
She retired at age 90 in Stevens Point, where she continues to share her gratitude and love of life with everyone she meets.
Published in the June/May 2020 issue of Catholic Life