
Why is St. Joseph So Awesome?

This article was posted on: December 6, 2021

Bishop Callahan’s thoughts about St. Joseph PATRON OF THE UNIVERSAL CHURCH

St. Joseph is certainly one of the stalwarts in our great gathering of saintly supports. Joseph was called upon to be the Protector of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God; and Joseph was the Foster (Earthly) Father of Jesus and, thus, the Guardian of the Redeemer and the Universal Patron of Jesus’ Church. God the Father gave full possession of Himself to Joseph, in Divine generosity. In return Joseph gave himself in faithful humility to God.

Joseph is for so many of the faithful, the protector of the Domestic Church. For so many families, including my own, Joseph is the focus of fatherhood and gentleness, a faithful and holy man of justice and peace.

St. Joseph is also the patron saint of a happy death. He died most peacefully with the Blessed Mother and our Blessed Savior, Jesus, at his bedside.

St. Joseph, pray for us.


St. Joseph is very awesome because he was chosen by God to be the father of Jesus and Joseph helped Mary and took her to Bethlehem so Jesus could be born. Also, he was a good father and loved Jesus and Mary. That is why he is awesome. Ruby, 6th grade

I think St. Joseph is awesome because he is the father of our Savior.
Ziva, 6th grade

Joseph is the chosen father of Jesus. Joseph watched Jesus grow for almost half of his life.
Jahia, 6th grade

He was the chosen one to be the human father of Jesus. He was a good carpenter and father of Jesus – meaning he protected Jesus and earned money to feed him.
Henry, 6th grade

St. Joseph was the chosen father of the Son of God. He made an important impact on Jesus’ life. We all know St. Joseph was a good, caring and loving father, even though he was not perfect.
Makenzie, 6th grade


St. Joseph is so awesome because we got to learn about him for a whole year.
Madison, 3rd grade

St. Joseph is so awesome because he is the Father of Jesus.
Ryleigh, 6th grade

St. Joseph is so awesome because he is the Father of Jesus and he was a carpenter
Justin, 2nd grade

St. Joseph is so awesome because he is the father of Jesus.
Isaac, 3rd grade

St. Joseph is so awesome because he was a carpenter and a great dad to Jesus.
Rudy, 3rd grade

St. Joseph is so awesome because he was good.
Andrea, 1st grade

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Published in the December 2021 Issue of Catholic Life Magazine

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