I interact with many Catholic parents throughout my week. As a father I interact with other parents in our Catholic school. As...
The Gift of the Holy Spirit called Understanding (Intellectus) is, like the others, a supernatural gift. So, not trusting myself, I turn...
The Last Supper statue is unveiled at St. James the Greater Parish in Eau Claire. When Father Tom Krieg sits at his...
In a prayer attributed to the authorship of St. Francis of Assisi, a petition is offered that God would grant grace for...
“A life of hospitality begins in worship, with a recognition of God’s grace and generosity. Hospitality is not first a duty and...
As a Catholic dad, I know the importance of monitoring the media that my family is exposed to. Media has a huge...
Does your family have a technology management plan in place? I love technology. When used and managed properly, technology can change the...
Quest Meyer, 22, of Stevens Point, attended his first Catholic Mass just over two years ago on Easter at St. Peter Parish...
When I was studying philosophy at St. Francis Major Seminary in Milwaukee, Father John Peifer defined wisdom as “knowing things in their...
Pornography is not a topic most adults are comfortable discussing. This is especially the case when it comes to parents addressing it...
Lent is an important time to deepen our relationship with Jesus. One way is to pray the words of a prayer from...
Our culture is becoming increasingly comfortable with pornography as a “normal” lifestyle choice, just as scientific research is becoming clear on the...
History of Lent – What did fasting used to look like? The Lenten season, preparation for Easter, has been observed from the...