By George Weigel When the Second Vatican Council was putting the finishing touches on one of its key documents, the Dogmatic Constitution...
By George Weigel Excavating my desk recently, I found the program notes from a Tallis Scholars concert my wife and I had...
By George Weigel On September 24, 1949, Georgii Karpov, chairman of the agency that provided “liaison” to the Russian Orthodox Church for...
By George Weigel You’ve got to have a good memory for mid-Sixties pop music to remember the Seekers, an Aussie quartet that...
JIM BERLUCCHI is the executive director of the Spitzer Center. Q. I want to take time off for Good Friday, and my employer won’t let...
Descended into hell When we come to the part of the Apostles’ Creed that proclaims the central mystery of our faith, the...
This article was posted on: March 1, 2016
DOUG CULP is the CAO and secretary for pastoral life for the Diocese of Lexington, Ky. He holds an MA in theology from Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. As we continue our year-long...
On Dec. 13, 2015, in the Diocese of La Crosse, Holy Doors were opened at the Cathedral of St. Joseph the Workman...
By Christopher Carstens Our secular culture devotes a great deal of attention to food, with cooking channels and food networks, restaurant commercials...
BY EMMA VINTON Whether it is discerning between married or religious life, a career or school, discernment isn’t easy — but it...