We mourn the loss of our loved ones with a faithful attention to prayer, especially by means of the Mass of Christian...
We are presently celebrating the “Year of St. Joseph” to commemorate the 150th anniversary of St. Joseph being solemnly declared Patron of...
There is a deeply held conviction in the heart of many spiritual traditions that life is not all about you. Bishop Robert...
How fitting for Pope St. John Paul II, in Christifideles Laici, to name our Father, God, as the first teacher. God’s work...
Anthony’s Faith journey leads him to the diocesan diaconate formation program “I am a cradle-to-grave Catholic, a prodigal son and an intentional...
The Most Reverend William Patrick Callahan, D.D., Bishop of La Crosse, makes the following announcement: In accord with the norm of canon...
Our relationship with Jesus is essential to live a life with peace, joy and fulfillment. The following explanation about the Sign of...
In his third encyclical, Fratelli Tutti, On Fraternity and Social Friendship, Pope Francis focuses on many of the issues that serve to...
It was during my junior high years at St. Mary School in Richland Center when I began to consider the priesthood. There...
The 20th century witnessed a surge in devotion to St. Joseph. The vision of Fatima, given on Oct. 13, 1917, which showed...
Deacon Larry Agema, 78, died on Thursday, October 1, 2020, at his home in Eau Claire. He was ordained to the Permanent...
The Most Reverend William Patrick Callahan, D.D., Bishop of La Crosse, makes the following announcement: The Very Reverend Daniel H. Hackel, Pastor...
Not too long ago, we spent a “Year of Mercy” brushing up on and practicing the corporal works of mercy. They come...