This article was posted on: November 28, 2017
We are told at an early age, “Use your manners.” Although we try, everyone seems to have a different idea on how...
This article was posted on: February 24, 2017
My kids always just give up their favorite candy or soda, but what are some things kids or teens can do to...
This article was posted on: October 28, 2016
1 Write down where you are in your relationship with God right now. As with anything that requires taking steps and moving...
Ask your teens why they want to skip Mass; then LISTEN attentively. Their resistance is probably from the lack of a close, personal relationship with...
This article was posted on: April 1, 2016
Our daughter is getting married next year, and we offered to pay for the wedding. Shouldn’t that mean we have some say...
DR. CATHLEEN MCGREAL is a psychology professor and certified spiritual director. Q. I love the tradition of the Easter Bunny, but don’t want to take away from...