Parishioners from across the diocese share their Lenten traditions that help them prepare for Easter Start the day with prayer Our Lenten...
St. Mary Parish in Altoona Jessica’s reconciliation with God helps her to forgive, which brings a joy she never imagined Spend time...
Sacred Heart/St. Patrick Parish in Eau Claire It is said that sometimes God doesn’t change your situation because he is trying to...
“Prayer is a relationship with God” Hillary Tolzmann kneels in adoration at the Marian Center for Peace in Wisconsin Rapids. She spends...
Have you ever heard if it rains on Easter it will rain for the next seven Sundays or to always wear new...
The wife who asked this question is likely a regular penitent — someone who knows that confession is a place to discover...
For many Catholics, the sacrament of confession presents certain challenges. But as a Catholic priest, I find it presents some of the...
Because Easter falls later than usual this year — April 16 — so too does Ash Wednesday — March 1. Even so,...
This year we celebrate the 100th anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima, whose appearances to three shepherd children—Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta—are perhaps...
We all know someone like that. We’ve visited their home and a whole room is dedicated to the Green Bay Packers or...
My kids always just give up their favorite candy or soda, but what are some things kids or teens can do to...
IVERSON FREKING ECUMENICAL Iverson Freking Ecumenical Recognition AwardRev. Curtis Miller (left), Maureen Freedland (right) and Bill Hoel (not shown) were the recipients...
When I was asked to produce a few hundred words about Lent, my thoughts turned to the daunting task of coming up...