Ed Noelke, left, and Joe Stemper, inside the La Crosse store. The spire of St. Joseph the Workman Cathedral casts a shadow...
Many people today are becoming more used to the trend of cohabitation or the act of a couple living together without being...
The way to rebuild our nation is to do what all good men have always done: raise their sons to be great...
Fifteen-year-old Kyla Feit lives in small-town Wisconsin Rapids. A member of St. Vincent de Paul Parish and sophomore at Lincoln High School,...
November is an interesting month. Here in Wisconsin, the days shorten, the cold settles in and people hunker down for the winter....
Jesus instructed: “Unless you become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Mt 18:3) The unfortunate and incorrect interpretation...
Can we ever be too pious? The Gift of Piety is, after all, one of the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit....
Terrorism in the world continues to be a real concern. Media coverage of ISIS and other threatening organizations are commonplace. While adults...
I’ve always been curious about why people (myself included at times) believe that conflict signals problems in a relationship, while the absence...
God reaches out to touch us with His love, and those whose faithful hearts are open can feel that loving touch. Jacob...
There are some missionaries who serve in the name of Jesus Christ in extraordinary ways. They learn new languages, travel to distant...
“Let marriage be held in honor among all.” Hebrews 13:4 Social science research shows that religious practice increases the chance that a...
Father John William Steiner, at the age of 71 and a priest for 45 years, died on Sunday, October 20, 2019 in...