The history of St. Agnes Parish and the Majerle Family’s Chapter Though they came 70 years after St. Agnes’ founding, the Majerles...
Whew. Lent is over! Now it is time to get on with life or get back to living. At least that is...
He says. “I spend enough time at church on Sunday.” Upon reading this question, my thoughts returned to a conversation that my...
All of us want to have a place where we feel like we are at home. We all want to have a...
Among the joys of seeing the true Faith being lived and celebrated across west-central Wisconsin for 150 years is the simple fact...
Bishop William Patrick Callahan celebrated the Chrism Mass with his brother priests at St. Joseph the Workman Cathedral, La Crosse, on March...
Growing up in Greensburg, Pa., Leo Jacoby was the third of four children whose father was a philosophy professor at Seton Hill...
Geralyn Klinkner (Left) and Marlene Flock standing in front of the main altar. The first parishioners of the Nativity of the...
The story of a man, a parish and the faith and history they share William “Bill” Hahn grew up a hardworking farm...
Parishioners from St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Necedah know what it takes to build a church from the ground up The...
St. Gabriel Catholic Church in Prairie du Chien was filled with excitement and reverence as Bishop William Patrick Callahan opened the diocesan...
Our three youngest daughters are gathered with us in the Living Room. One is lounging on the sofa, one on the floor...
Teaching the Way of Love for Catholic Parents As parents we want desperately for our children to understand and embrace God’s loving...