The McGowan family’s roots run deep at St. Mary Parish in Lyndon Station As one of the original farm families in Lyndon...
St. Josephine Bakhita | Feast Day: Feb. 8 Kidnapped. Beaten. Sold. So traumatized she forgot her own name. This is the horrifying...
Jerry Durst reflects on 98 years of life in Keyesville It takes a special kind of person to be a farmer. The...
The Most Reverend William Patrick Callahan, D.D., Bishop of La Crosse, makes the following announcements: The Reverend Georgekutty Thayilkuzhithottu, MSFS, Pastor of...
Jim Pulvermacher (Left) and Gordon Moore (right) are two dedicated alumni of St. Mary School and continue to support the school for...
There are days when I feel older than I am! My aches and pains seem to be more acute than they were...
Larry Scheckel reflects on growing up in Seneca and life at St. Patrick Parish Life for farm families in Seneca Township revolved...
What happens when romance slows down and real life begins? We took our vows seriously, “for better and for worse,” but how...
Governor Scott Walker has proclaimed January 28 through February 3, 2018, as Catholic Schools Week in Wisconsin. The proclamation coincides with the...
The 27th annual Brains and Brawn Tournament is a chance for Catholic school students in 6th-8th grade, from across the diocese, to...
We believe that faith should make a difference in this world as well as in the next. Following God’s plan should make...
In January, 193 pilgrims representing the Diocese of La Crosse attended the 44th Annual March for Life in Washington D.C. There were...
Why celebrate Catholic schools? Because Catholic schools are schools of faith, schools where a child isn’t simply educated about basic facts, but...