By George Weigel Cardinal Robert Sarah is one of the adornments of the Catholic Church, although it’s very unlikely that this man...
By George Weigel If Catholics in the United States are going to be healers of our wounded culture, we’re going to have...
Making Sense Out of Bioethics By Fr. Tad Pacholczyk Arguments in favor of research on human embryos typically play off our unfamiliarity...
This article was posted on: May 17, 2016
The Diaconate Ordination of Peter John Kieffer and Jaun Pedro Roblez Baltazar took place Saturday, May 7 at 10:30 am at St....
By George Weigel Two days after that circular firing-squad known as the “Republican primaries” came to a de facto conclusion on the...
The Most Reverend William Patrick Callahan, D.D., Bishop of La Crosse, makes the following announcements: Deacon Juan Pedro Roblez Baltazar, Pastoral Associate...
By George Weigel The Catholic love affair with the United States of America is heading into rough and uncharted waters – and...
Pope St. John I | Feast Day: May 18 During last October’s Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Archbishop Joseph...
This article was posted on: May 2, 2016
Deacon Vern Linzmeier lives mercy through visiting the sick of St. Bronislava Parish in Plover When someone is homebound or ill, it...
This article was posted on: May 2, 2016
David and Suzanne’s hospital ministry David and Suzanne Martin have shared the work and joy of hospital ministry for the last...
Have you felt “uncomfortable” when in your heart you feel called to comfort the afflicted? We all have had that feeling, and...
This article was posted on: May 2, 2016
My grandmother epitomized America’s “Greatest Generation” right down to her hard-working nature and classic American recipes. She taught me how to sew,...
This article was posted on: May 2, 2016
WASHING THE FEET OF REFUGEES — At the Reception Center for Asylum Seekers outside Rome on Holy Thursday, Pope Francis washed the feet of refugees, and spoke to...