Some people may wish to “donate their body to science” after they die. Such a gift of themselves can be objectively good...
Book Review Matthew Kelly’s book, Resisting Happiness, is not so much an instruction about how to achieve happiness as it is a...
Family Matters Accurate information regarding the vaccine is needed to answer this question correctly. In 2006, the Food and Drug Administration approved...
Person: “Why don’t I feel anything in adoration?” God: “What, exactly, were you hoping for?” Person: “I don’t know. You and I...
This article was posted on: June 5, 2017
“Accept and adjust,” my aunt would always say to me. The older I get, the more these simple words have proven true....
St. Raymond Parish in Fall Creek and St. Mary Parish in Altoona Father Sakowski reflects on the impact adoration can have —...
The evening of September 12, 2006, was, in a word, memorable. My wife and I were having dinner in Cracow with two...
Ten years ago, after my meditation on Europe, The Cube and the Cathedral, had appeared in several languages, I was invited to...
Ten years ago, after my meditation on Europe, The Cube and the Cathedral, had appeared in several languages, I was invited to...
This article was posted on: May 18, 2017
Spiritual Fitness Adoration is awe of the divine and how we relate to God. It is to admit that God is God...