On September 20, 2017, the Diocese of La Crosse had the great honor of being one of the 12 locations in the...
Going to seminary does not automatically mean becoming a priest A typical conversation I might have with a young man as he...
When the second volume of my John Paul II biography, The End and the Beginning, was published in 2010, I thought I...
An account of the last chapter in a priest’s life As a priest, we promise obedience and fidelity to the bishop and...
She said: Why would we talk to a priest; he’s never been married? How would he know how to help a marriage?...
CNN is not the customary locale-of-choice for a catechesis on Catholic social doctrine. But that’s what Paul Ryan, Speaker of the U.S....
The Fischer family shares their farm and faith for Rural Life Day St. Florian Parish in Hatley For Mike and Sue Fischer...
In a world where our young people don’t always know right from wrong, good from bad, or true and false, it can...
Father Berns returns to his family farm whenever he gets the opportunity. He enjoys spending time with his parishioners at parish events,...
Jesus said to the apostles, “What I have said to you in whispers, you are to proclaim from the housetops.” This is...
My dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, World Mission Sunday, Oct. 22, 2017, is a reminder for all of us during our...
Making a pilgrimage to the site of a beloved saint is a great privilege and is not something everyone gets the opportunity...
When I was first introduced to the fascinations of the DNA double-helix in a biology class at Baltimore’s St. Paul Latin High...