Raised in Chippewa Falls and an alumna of the area’s Catholic schools, Molly Bushman is now the president of McDonell Area Catholic...
Father Peter Kieffer Responds to God’s Call to Serve People “When priests are ordained, they promise to pray for their people. I...
Our home is where our story begins and our hometown is like the garden that surrounds it, the added expanse where our...
Ken and Mary Ann Schelfhout Belong to the Holy Family What better way to start the day than with your best friends:...
Dorothy Belohlavek of St. Francis Xavier Parish in Knowlton is a lifelong resident of the rural Mosinee community. Dorothy’s initial response to...
At the beginning of religious life, aspirants to any given community serve a period of time called the novitiate. The time frame...
A recent experience literally made me stop in my tracks in disbelief. While on my nightly walk, I noticed a group of...
The Most Reverend William Patrick Callahan, D.D., Bishop of La Crosse, makes the following announcement: The Reverend Mark A. Miller is appointed...
“Let marriage be held in honor among all.” Hebrews 13:4 Culture tells us that cohabitation is a substitute for marriage. However, God’s...
We encourage you to bookmark these websites and blogs or download these apps this month. Apostleship of Prayer: Everyone knows that prayer...
Building upon the five thresholds of conversion Sherry talked about in previous columns, she now offers encouragement to the lay members of...
Dear Father Joe: I am sickened by the news reports I’ve been reading about the clergy abuse scandals. It makes me ashamed...
Susan and Charles Renner found the Catholic Church Charles Renner’s father was an atheist and his mother was a non-practicing Episcopalian. He...