Baptizing Babies in Sistine Chapel, Francis Reminds Parents That Little Ones Must See and Know Jesus at Home Pope Francis has reminded...
Even though public Masses continue to be cancelled, Divine Mercy Sunday can still be celebrated in the home, and its plenary indulgence...
I often see how the laity play a vital role in bringing people to Jesus! I, as the priest, am visible at...
I FEEL OVERWHELMED BY THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. Every day things seem to get worse, and I feel powerless to do anything about...
The Pinkertons use their groundskeeping background to care for the church As a young couple beginning their family in Oshkosh, Michelle and...
When I first arrived in La Crosse, nearly 10 years ago, one of the first thoughts I had centered on was the...
Do you or did you have a grandparent that was instructive in your faith formation? For many of us, we have been...
When you’re teaching at home, you’ll be more successful if you abandon the idea of replicating a regular school day and instead,...
Valentyna Pavsyukova had an idea. Because of COVID-19, the founder of Chalice of Mercy couldn’t travel to Ukraine to continue her charitable...
My daughter once asked me, “Mom, what is the best thing that’s ever happened to you?” I immediately answered with what most...
The COVID-19 virus pandemic and the measures being taken to protect our safety have changed the way we are doing things. Restaurants...
“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs...
How Mass Nourishes the Supernatural Life Christifideles Laici series Part II Forget about the hundreds of years of slavery in Egypt—the many...