The thing about being a mom is that you never really know how it’s going to go until you find yourself in...
PATRON of THE UNIVERSAL CHURCH and OUR DIOCESAN PATRON Throughout my life, I have always looked to St. Joseph as the perfect...
Jake & Emily focus on service before profit in business Jake and Emily Bowe of Onalaska understand the importance of serving others,...
In 2015, on Valentine’s weekend, a block buster novel was released as a major motion picture. 50 Shades of Grey depicted bondage,...
Our marriage is made up of a saver and a person who tends to want to throw everything away. Now I’m not...
God is trying really hard to get rid of all of the excuses we make for not getting to know him more...
Paul builds relationships and helps students achieve greatness By anyone’s standards, the last couple of years have been a success for Rothschild...
As parents, we aspire to guide our children, teach them right from wrong and set good examples they can learn from. But...
The beauty, dignity and prayerfulness of the Mass depend to a large extent on the music that accompanies the liturgical action. The...
This year, the Office for Marriage and Family Life will honor over 370 couples from the Diocese who are celebrating 50+ years...
During Holy Week and the Easter Season we celebrate the most important events that changed the world. In addition, we may still...
When we call somebody a friend, we usually have someone in mind we know rather well, and with whom we enjoy spending...
Proclaiming and living the Gospel Did you know you have a personal invitation from God: to love, to be loved and to...