This article was posted on: January 14, 2020
How Baptism Gives Life in Abundance Why did God make you? If you are a cradle Catholic of a certain generation, your...
This article was posted on: January 2, 2020
The seventh Gift of the Holy Spirit is Fear of the Lord, which is a holy fear (not fright) and loving reverence...
This article was posted on: January 2, 2020
The 15-mile stretch between Calzadilla de los Hermanillos and Mansilla de las Mulas is remarkable for its desolation on the 490-mile expanse...
This article was posted on: November 18, 2019
Building upon the five thresholds of conversion Sherry talked about in previous columns, she now offers encouragement to the lay members of...
This article was posted on: November 18, 2019
Dear Father Joe: I am sickened by the news reports I’ve been reading about the clergy abuse scandals. It makes me ashamed...
This article was posted on: October 28, 2019
There are some missionaries who serve in the name of Jesus Christ in extraordinary ways. They learn new languages, travel to distant...
This article was posted on: October 7, 2019
As the Vocation Director, my particular focus is men discerning whether or not priesthood is the vocation where God is calling them...
This article was posted on: September 30, 2019
As an educator, I have heard this cliché many times. We are stronger, we are better because we know something. But, how...
This article was posted on: August 15, 2019
When I was a boy growing up in Marinette, it seemed that everyone went to church on Sunday. Not everyone was Catholic...
This article was posted on: August 12, 2019
Brother James “Santiago” Miller, FSC, will be beatified on December 7, 2019, in Huehuetenango, Guatemala. Pope Francis approved the beatification of Brother...